Show IV. The Journey of Life


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As a continuation of our previous show called ‘The Metamorphosis of Consciousness’, we will explore the concept of being human, beginning with a soul’s emergence from ‘Source’, as an individualized expression of being, and tracing its evolution throughout ongoing adventures of its ONE lifetime…in countless physical bodies or person-alities.

In this exploration of the epic journey of our lives, we will delve into questions such as…

Why are we here?
What is our soul’s agenda?
What is spiritual…is there anything that isn’t?
How do we reconcile individuality, and Oneness?
Is separation from our Source even possible?
To what extent are we our bodies
Do we, literally, create reality…either consciously or by default?
What does ‘being conscious’ mean?
If everyone is innocent…doing the best they know how, then what is it to be responsible?
What determines destiny?
Can we truly become the architects of our own destiny?
This and more….as we explore the multi-faceted jewel of our human ‘self’, on the evolutionary adventure we call ‘Life’.